This is a frequency that is permanently maintained between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere through electrical discharge (thunderstorms and lightning).

The result is a so called transversal magnetic wave with a fundamental frequency of 7.8 Hz – the main value of the Schumann frequency spectrum. The range of its harmonics even reach the megahertz area.

A part of the brain of all mammals, the hippocampus, also oscillates with 7.8 Hz. Among other things the hippocampus is important for concentration and alertness.

In a study, a group of people were placed in a room shielded from all physiological environmental signals. Much of them suffered from headache, nausea, and dizziness after a while. These symptoms disappeared after the space was irradiated with the Schumann frequency which exposed the group again to the natural frequency.

Schumann frequency

1952 discovered by the physician Winfried Otto Schumann. This is a frequency that is permanently maintained between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. The ionosphere is one of our atmospheric layers - it is located about 100 km from the Earth's surface.

Important with regard to the magnetic field devices of Dr. Ludwig:

The main value of the Schumann frequency spectrum, the 7.8 Hz described above, can be selected on all of Dr. Ludwig's devices.

Our hand-held devices provide preset programs (frequencies) - 7.8 Hz is always one of these selectable programs.

The large devices have a range of 0.1 - 1000 Hz, so you can set any frequency you like and of course also the 7.8 Hz.

Read more about the different frequencies and usage in the according menu items and the respective product descriptions of the individual devices.