Finding a suitable therapist close to you is often not easy. When it comes to magnetic field therapy and bioinformative medicine, we would like to help and try to make it easier for you.

In the left menu you find therapists who work with our devices in their practice in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, as well as inside and outside Europe.

For the German area, you will find the therapists listed sorted by German postal code area.

They may be naturopaths, naturopathic doctors and physicians, physiotherapists, dentists and veterinarians, as well as any other kind of naturopathic therapists.

Please note that not every therapist automatically has the particular large device in his practice or clinic that you are interested in - therefor please check beforehand if the therapist really offers what you are looking for.

If you are a therapist and would like to be included in this page, simply write us an e-mail with your data: info(at)